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Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook

Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook

$ 38.95

In The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook , you'll learn skills and nutrition guidelines recommended by doctors and therapists for healthy eating and how to quell the often overpowering urge to overeat. This workbook will help you: - Identify the trigger foods and feelings that spur you to binge or overeat - Determine how stress, depression, and anxiety may be affecting your eating - Calm yourself in stressful times with nourishing self-care practices - Learn to appreciate and accept your body

Category: Eating Disorders
Subcategory: Child/Adolescent/Adult
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Ross, Carolyn Coker
Publication Date: 02-07-2009
ISBN: 9781572245914
Pages: 256
Height: 10
Width: 8

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