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Assertiveness Workbook

Assertiveness Workbook

$ 37.95

This workbook contains powerfully effective skills grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you communicate more effectively, improve social interactions, and express yourself with confidence and clarity. You’ll learn how to set and maintain personal boundaries while staying connected, and discover ways to be more genuine and open in your relationships. Finally, you’ll learn to defend yourself calmly if you’re unfairly criticized or asked to submit to unreasonable requests. Fully revised and updated—this new edition includes information on the impact of social media, mini-dialogues to help you navigate tricky social interactions, and skills to shift your behaviors to be more assertive—so you can improve your communication skills, and your life!

Category: Communication Skills
Subcategory: Assertiveness
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Randy Pattereson
Publication Date: 01-09-2022
ISBN: 9781648480270
Pages: 216
Height: 10
Width: 7

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