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Asperger Syndrome And Anxiety <b><font color='red'>(Event Special)</font></b>

Asperger Syndrome And Anxiety (Event Special)

$ 29.95

A Guide To Successful Stress Management. The first book on anxiety written specifically for adults with Asperger Syndrome, this book offers practical advice on how individuals with AS can manage their anxiety more effectively. As a person with AS who has struggled with feelings of anxiety and learnt how to overcome them, Nick Dubin shares his own tried and tested solutions along with up-to-date research on stress management for individuals with AS, including a chapter on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Dubin explores the key problem areas that can lead to anxiety for people with AS such as lack of social skills, difficulties establishing romantic relationships and uncertainty about employment.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
Author: Dubin, Nick
Publication Date: 02-03-2009
ISBN: 9781843108955
Pages: 224

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