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Art Is A Way of Knowing

Art Is A Way of Knowing

$ 23.95

Making art—giving form to the images that arise in our mind's eye, our dreams, and our everyday lives—is a form of spiritual practice through which knowledge of ourselves can ripen into wisdom. This book offers encouragement for everyone to explore art making in this spirit of self-discovery—plus practical instructions on material, methods, and activities such as ways to: Discover a personal myth or story, Recognize patterns and themes in one's life, Identify and release painful memories, Combine journaling and image making, Practice the ancient skill of active imagination, and Connect with others through sharing one's art works. Interwoven with this guidance is the intimate story of the author's own journey as a student, art therapist, teacher, wife, mother, and artist—and, most of all, as a woman who discovered a profound and healing connection with her soul through making art.

Category: Art and Play Therapy
Subcategory: Art Therapy
Series: Mindfulness/Stress Reduction
Author: Allen, Pat B
Publication Date: 01-05-1995
ISBN: 9781570620782


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