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TalkAbility (ASD Verbal Skills)

TalkAbility (ASD Verbal Skills)

$ 54.00

People Skills for Verbal Children on the Autism Spectrum - A Guide for Parents Even after they have learned to talk, children ages 3-7 with ASD, mild autism or social difficulties face special communication challenges. To have real 'talk-ability,' children have to understand the meaning behind the words by tuning in to the thoughts and feelings of other people. Parents and professionals have long sought a down-to-earth guide on how to help these children develop the people skills that make it possible to engage in real conversations and connect well with others. TalkAbility answers this need with a wealth of practical strategies that parents can build into their child's everyday life. These strategies help children gain both the social and special language abilities necessary for successful conversations and friendships.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Inclusion/Disability
Author: Fern Sussman
ISBN: 9780921145325
Pages: 202

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