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Personal Hygiene? ASD, LD, & <br>Developmental Disabilities

Personal Hygiene? ASD, LD, &
Developmental Disabilities

$ 29.95

What's That Got To Do With Me? This is a curriculum developed for students with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Learning and Developmental Disabilities, designed to help them understand how others perceive their appearance and the social implications of neglecting personal hygiene. Simple factual information is accompanied by humorous cartoons that emphasize how others view someone with poor hygiene. Step-by-step cartoons explain exactly what the student needs to do to ensure good hygiene. Quizzes and activity pages provide numerous opportunities for repetition and reinforcement of the key points. There are also hands-on activities to demonstrate why and how to perform various hygiene tasks. Several social stories are also provided, along with a set of worksheets that help students set up a daily schedule to allow time for completing necessary hygiene tasks.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Crissey, Pat/ Crissey, No
Publication Date: 01-12-2004
ISBN: 9781843107965
Pages: 96

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