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Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic 5th Edition (Workbook)

Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic 5th Edition (Workbook)

$ 54.50

The fifth edition of Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic, Workbook, has been fully revised and updated to offer helpful, scientifically proven strategies and techniques for dealing with both panic disorder and agoraphobia. The program outlined is based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and is organized by skill, with each chapter building on the one before it. The Workbook covers the importance of record-keeping and monitoring progress, as well as breathing techniques and thinking skills, with the main focus of the treatment involving the importance of learning how to face agoraphobic situations, and the often-frightening physical symptoms of panic, from an entirely new perspective. Self-assessment quizzes, homework exercises, and interactive forms allow clients to become active participants in their own treatment, and to learn to manage panic attacks, anxiety about panic, and avoidance of panic and agoraphobic situations.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Author: Craske, Michelle G/ Crask
Publication Date: 09-06-2022
ISBN: 9780197584095
Pages: 184

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