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Healing Your Grieving Heart For Teens

Healing Your Grieving Heart For Teens

$ 16.95

With sensitivity and insight, this series offers suggestions for healing activities that can help survivors learn to express their grief and mourn naturally. Acknowledging that death is a painful, ongoing part of life, they explain how people need to slow down, turn inward, embrace their feelings of loss, and seek and accept support when a loved one dies. Each book, geared for mourning adults, teens, or children, provides ideas and action-oriented tips that teach the basic principles of grief and healing. These ideas and activities are aimed at reducing the confusion, anxiety, and huge personal void so that the living can begin their lives again. Included in the books for teens and kids are age-appropriate activities that teach younger people that their thoughts are not only normal but necessary.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Author: Dr. Alan Wolfelt
Publication Date: 02-04-2001
ISBN: 9781879651234
Pages: 128

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