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Taming Worry Dragons <br>Facilitator's Manual 3rd ED

Taming Worry Dragons
Facilitator's Manual 3rd ED

$ 20.00

Therapy Group for Anxious Children This eight-week program provides a structure for children to learn about anxieties and worries using the concept of Worry Dragons. It is for children ages 8-12 but can be easily adapted for both younger and older children. The focus is on understanding and identifying anxiety and how it affects the body, thoughts and behaviors. Children learn and practice coping strategies and tools for conquering physical and emotional symptoms related to anxiety. Not eligible for further discounts.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Series: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Author: Dr. Jane Garland And Dr. Sandra Clark
ISBN: 0000000535

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