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 Wiggles, Stomps, and Squeezes: Calming My Jitters at School <b><font color='red'>(New)</font></b>

Wiggles, Stomps, and Squeezes: Calming My Jitters at School (New)

$ 29.95

Get ready for a heartwarming and enlightening journey through the world of sensory differences with the highly anticipated second installment of the award-winning picture book series. This book offers a unique and profound understanding of sensory experiences that will resonate with parents, educators, and children alike. Join the young protagonist with sensory differences as they embark on a day at school, navigating through new environments with the help of various activities that allow them to regulate their sensory needs. As you turn the pages, you'll gain invaluable insight into how sensory-sensitive children can find solace in wiggles, stomps, and squeezes, and how supportive adults can play an active role in fostering their emotional well-being.

Category: Sensory Processing Therapy
Subcategory: Sensory Processing Books & DVDS
Series: Sensory Processing Therapy
Author: Lindsay Rowe Parker
Publication Date: 19-03-2024
ISBN: 9798886330212
Pages: 52

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