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Social Rhythm Therapy Workbook for Bipolar Disorder <b><font color='red'>(New)</font></b>

Social Rhythm Therapy Workbook for Bipolar Disorder (New)

$ 38.95

Stabilize Your Circadian Rhythms to Reduce Stress, Manage Moods, and Prevent Future Episodes In The Social Rhythm Therapy Skills Workbook for Bipolar Disorder, bipolar and mood disorder expert Holly Swartz offers a fresh approach to help you reset your body clock, overcome shifts in mood, and find relief from your bipolar symptoms. Drawn from proven-effective social rhythm therapy (SRT), this groundbreaking workbook is filled with tools and actionable skills for creating a consistent schedule for sleeping, eating, and interacting with others. You’ll also learn how to combat the effects of social media scrolling in the evening—the dreaded enemy of a well-regulated sleep schedule. Finally, you’ll discover how to anticipate and plan for potentially rhythm-disrupting events such as out-of-town guests, pandemic-related disruptions, or even a hospital stay.

Category: Depression
Subcategory: Bipolar - Adult
Series: Mental Illness
Author: Holly A Swartz
Publication Date: 01-04-2024
ISBN: 9781648481246
Pages: 176

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