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Declarative Language <b><font color='red'>(Event Special)</font></b>

Declarative Language (Event Special)

$ 14.50

Using a Thoughtful Language Style to Help Kids with Social Learning Challenges Feel Competent, Connected, and Understood This book was written to teach you how making small shifts in your language and speaking style will produce important results. You will stop telling kids what to do and instead thoughtfully give them information to help them make important discoveries in the moment. These moments build resilience, flexibility, and positive relationships over time. You might be a therapist or a teacher, or you might be a parent, grandparent, or babysitter. Your child might have a diagnosis such as autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, PDA or Non-Verbal Learning Disability. But they might not. No matter your child’s learning style, this book was written to help you feel equipped to make a difference, simply by being mindful of your own communication and speaking style.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Children
Series: Behavior Intervention
Author: Linda K Murphy
Publication Date: 29-02-2020
ISBN: 9781734516203
Pages: 130


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