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Body of Knowledge Card Deck

Body of Knowledge Card Deck

$ 23.99

Sensorimotor Practices for Awareness, Regulation and Expansion The intention of the somatic practices in this card deck is to experientially illuminate the innate and unique knowledge that resides in our bodies, and to nurture a more deeply embodied connection with ourselves, others, and the world. The cards are divided into fifteen themes: ancestors and community, body connection, body sensation, boundaries, breath, containment, culture, five fundamental movements, grounding, mindfulness, movement, posture, the senses, positivity, resources, and the future. Our bodies have different lessons to teach us at different points in our lives, so readers are encouraged to revisit these enlightening, somatic exercises time and again to glean new insights.

Category: Personal Growth/Self Help
Series: Mindfulness/Stress Reduction
Author: Pat Ogden
Publication Date: 27-02-2024
ISBN: 9781324016496
Pages: 64

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