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Polyvagal Path to Joyful Learning

Polyvagal Path to Joyful Learning

$ 45.95

Transforming Classrooms One Nervous System at a Time Polyvagal Theory (PVT) has had a tremendous impact on the mental health field, shedding light on how the nervous system predictably moves between different states in response to changing situations. School consultant Debra Em Wilson introduces PVT to educators and shows how using PVT-guided strategies can help create optimal learning environments. When school staff understand the role of the nervous system in learning, they can better help students develop the skills leading to increased resilience, adaptability, and flexibility: essential qualities for social, emotional, and academic success.

Category: Education/Classroom
Series: Brain Science
Author: Debra M Wilson
Publication Date: 14-02-2024
ISBN: 9781324030522
Pages: 176


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