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Tiny Traumas

Tiny Traumas

$ 35.99

When You Don't Know What's Wrong, but Nothing Feels Quite Right Have you ever felt at a loss for an answer when asked: ‘How are you really feeling?” Maybe you can’t quite put your finger on it, but you know something is definitely off. Microaggressions, challenging family relationships, toxic positivity, work and pandemic stress, gaslighting—these are just a few examples of what psychologist Dr. Meg Arroll calls “Tiny T” trauma. These tiny traumas can slowly build up inside of us, and if ignored for too long, can manifest in our lives as high-functioning anxiety, perfectionism, binge eating, insomnia, broken relationships, and a host of other problems. While advice on healing from major trauma is plentiful, there is little guidance available to help us recover from these “smaller” yet emotionally devastating traumas that are common to all of us. Now, Dr. Meg fills that gap and helps us find peace with this revolutionary guide.

Category: Personal Growth/Self Help
Series: Trauma/PTSD
Author: Meg Arroll
ISBN: 9780063338678

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