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While We Can't Hug

While We Can't Hug

$ 29.50

The bestselling and heart-warming picture book that shows us ways to be affectionate while social distancing, from the team behind The Hug. Hedgehog and Tortoise were the best of friends. They wanted to give each other a great, big hug. But they weren't allowed to touch. "Don't worry," said Owl. "There are lots of ways to show someone you love them." So the two friends wave to each other, blow kisses, sing songs, dance around and write letters. And even though they can't hug and they can't touch, they both know that they are loved. A gorgeous, uplifting, inspiring picture book that makes social distancing fun!

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Children and Adolescents
Series: Parenting Children
Author: Eoin McLaughlin
Publication Date: 06-08-2020
ISBN: 9780571363386
Pages: 36

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