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Everywhere, Still

Everywhere, Still

$ 26.95

A book about loss, grief, and the way love continues When someone you care about isn't here anymore, it's natural to feel sad and lonely. This book is about loss and grief, about missing someone and coming to terms with both permanent and temporary losses. It's also a reminder that there is a way to be close with those we love, no matter how distant in space and time they may be. Read this meaningful book to a child when a grandparent or loved one has died, or when a parent or loved one is living or serving abroad. Maybe a dear friend has moved away or a pet is very much missed. With touching illustrations, each page offers a way to honor the complex emotions children experience.

Category: Grief/Loss
Subcategory: Children/Parent
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: M H Clark
Publication Date: 01-07-2023
ISBN: 9781957891033
Pages: 40

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