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Developing Mind (3rd Edition)

Developing Mind (3rd Edition)

$ 85.95

How Relationships and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are
Daniel J. Siegel synthesizes cutting-edge research from multiple disciplines, revealing the ways in which neural processes are fundamentally shaped by interpersonal relationships throughout life. And even when early experiences are not optimal, building deeper connections to other people and to one's own internal experience remains a powerful resource for growth. Professors praise the book’s utility in courses from developmental psychology and child development to neuroscience and counseling.

Category: Brain Science
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Daniel J. Siegel
Publication Date: 27-05-2020
ISBN: 9781462542758
Pages: 674
Height: 9.25 in
Width: 6.12 in


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