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Compassion Fatigue: (Secondary Traumatic Stress)

Compassion Fatigue: (Secondary Traumatic Stress)

$ 77.95

Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorders in Those Who Treat the Traumatized This book focuses on those individuals who provide therapy to victims of PTSD - crisis and trauma counselors, Red Cross workers, nurses, doctors, and other caregivers who themselves often become victim to secondary traumatic stress disorder (STSD) or "compassion fatigue" as a result of helping or wanting to help a traumatized person. Edited by Charles R. Figley, a renowned pioneer in the field of traumatic stress studies, this book consists of eleven chapters, each written by a different specialist in the field.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Professional/Reference
Author: Figley, Charles
ISBN: 9780876307595
Pages: 268

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