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Written As I Remember

Written As I Remember

$ 39.95

Teachings (??ms t???w) from the Life of a Sliammon Elder Long before vacationers discovered BC’s Sunshine Coast, the Sliammon, a Coast Salish people, called the region home. In this remarkable book, Sliammon elder Elsie Paul collaborates with a scholar, Paige Raibmon, and her granddaughter, Harmony Johnson, to tell her life story and the history of her people, in her own words and storytelling style. Raised by her grandparents who took her on their seasonal travels, Paul spent most of her childhood learning Sliammon ways, teachings, and stories and is one of the last surviving mother-tongue speakers of the Sliammon language. She shares this traditional knowledge with future generations.

Category: Indigenous Resources
Subcategory: Parents and Educators
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: Elise Paul
Publication Date: 01-02-2015
ISBN: 9780774827119
Pages: 468

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