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Time Timer Max

Time Timer Max

$ 154.95

The Time Timer MAX is 17 inches by 17 inches so it can be seen in larger spaces such as gymnasiums, cafeterias, auditoriums, and large meeting rooms. It’s also eight timers in one – with customizable durations and changeable timer faces, the MAX can countdown as low as 5 minutes, or as high as 24 hours. Included with the MAX are 3 two-sided timer faces – 5/15 minutes, 30/60 minutes, 120 minutes/Dry Erase Board timer face allowing for maximum flexibility and customization, in addition to “set markers.” The three colored set markers can create time blocks on any face by snapping them into the grooves between the red disk and numbers. The MAX can be used on a flat surface, hung on a wall, whiteboard, or map rail. 1 bracket mount is included.

Category: Time Management
Height: 17 in
Width: 17 in

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108 East Broadway, Vancouver, B.C.,
V5T 1V9 Map
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