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Siha Tooskin Knows the Gifts of His People

Siha Tooskin Knows the Gifts of His People

$ 11.95

Transportation, housing, agriculture, communications…there are so many modern conveniences. But are they really modern? Where did they really come from? Paul Wahasaypa—Siha Tooskin—will learn about their origins and more on his walk home from school with Ade (his father). There’s so much to learn about the earliest forms of technology, travel, medicine, and food from right here on Turtle Island. Come along with Paul and Ade to hear all about the gifts of his people. The Siha Tooskin Knows series uses vivid narratives and dazzling illustrations in contemporary settings to share stories about an 11-year-old Nakota boy.

Category: Indigenous Resources
Subcategory: Parents and Educators
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: Charlene Bearhead / Wilson Bearhead / Chloe Bluebird Mustooch
Publication Date: 26-05-2020
ISBN: 9781553798347
Pages: 24
Length: 8 in
Width: 5.5 in

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