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Overcoming Distressing Voices  (2nd Ed.)

Overcoming Distressing Voices (2nd Ed.)

$ 17.99

This accessible self-help manual takes those affected by distressing voices on a journey of recovery and healing, based on the latest psychological research. This fully revised and updated edition includes: Clear explanations of what distressing voices are and what causes them, Techniques to explore and re-evaluate the links between self-esteem, beliefs about voices and feelings, Practical steps to reduce the distress that hearing voices causes and consideration of the impact on friends and family, and advice for how they can help.

Category: Mental Illness
Subcategory: Schizophrenia
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Mark Hayward / Clara Strauss / David Kingdon
Publication Date: 23-10-2018
ISBN: 9781472140319
Pages: 272

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