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How We Live Is How We Die

How We Live Is How We Die

$ 32.95

In How We Live Is How We Die, Pema Chödrön shares her wisdom for working with the flow of life—learning to live with ease, joy, and compassion through uncertainty, embracing new beginnings, and ultimately preparing for death with curiosity and openness rather than fear. Poignant for readers of all ages, her teachings on the bardos—a Tibetan term referring to a state of transition, including what happens between this life and the next—reveal their power and relevance at each moment of our lives. She also offers practical methods for transforming life’s most challenging emotions about change and uncertainty into a path of awakening and love.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Series: Mindfulness/Stress Reduction
Author: Pema Chodron
Publication Date: 04-10-2022
ISBN: 9781611809244
Pages: 240
Length: 8.5 in
Width: 5.5 in


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