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SEL Toolbox

SEL Toolbox

$ 45.95

Social-Emotional Learning Activities to Teach Kids to Generalized Learned Skills to Real-Life Situations
Teaching kids about social-emotional (SEL) skills in a controlled environment is one thing. Whether they use those skills independently in other situations (and with other people) is another. In The SEL Toolbox, clinicians and educators will find a variety of creative, adaptable interventions that not only teach kids the foundational SEL skills but also prepare them to successfully apply those skills to unpredictable, unstructured environments that more closely parallel real-life scenarios. Designed for use in small group settings with school-aged kids, each intervention includes step-by-step directions, clear lesson plans, case examples, and, most importantly, specific directions on how and when to introduce incremental challenges that encourage kids to problem solve in the moment. This unique and targeted approach will help kids generalize the skills they need to: Manage their emotions, Think flexibly, especially when frustrated, Follow directions and stay on task, Control their impulses, Collaborate and cooperate with others, Problem solve in the face of challenges, Advocate for themselves, And more!

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: (SEL) Social & Emotional Learning K-7
Series: Child and Youth
Author: Briana Makofske
Publication Date: 12-07-2022
ISBN: 978168373538
Pages: 199
Length: 10.95 in
Width: 8.49 in

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