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Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Card Deck

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Card Deck

$ 28.95

55 Practices for Confident and Thriving Kids
Designed for kids 8-12, the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Card Deck provides teachers, parents, and therapists with 55 engaging and fun activities that teach the five key elements of SEL:Self-management: Handling emotions in healthy ways, Thinking about others: Building empathy and understanding of others, Self-awareness: Identifying emotions, thoughts, and values important to you, Relationship skills: Working together to solve problems, Responsible thinking: Using tools to guide decision-making. With the SEL Card Deck, kids will have the tools they need to manage big feelings, develop empathy for others, and make good decisions.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Professional/Educator
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Lisa Phifer
Publication Date: 12-07-2022
ISBN: 9781683735250
Length: 6.15 in
Width: 4.16 in

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