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Reflective Workbook for Parents and Families of Transgender and Non-Binary Children

Reflective Workbook for Parents and Families of Transgender and Non-Binary Children

$ 39.95

Your Transition as Your Child Transitions This innovative workbook discusses the unique needs of parents and families as they navigate their child's gender exploration. Providing a safe space for them to work through their own uncertainties and necessities, it gives specifically tailored guidance and support, with sections on school life, language and terminology, finding a therapist, possible grief, social/medical intervention options and more. Personal anecdotes from parents and other family members offer insight and understanding, alongside reflective activities, quizzes and positive affirmations throughout.

Category: LGBTQIA+
Series: LGBTQIA+
Author: D.M. Maynard
Publication Date: 21-08-2020
ISBN: 9781787752368
Pages: 368

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