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Button Pusher

Button Pusher

$ 20.50

Button Pusher is a memoir-driven realistic graphic novel about Tyler, a child who is diagnosed with ADHD and has to discover for himself how to best manage it. Tyler’s brain is different. Unlike his friends, he has a hard time paying attention in class. He acts out in goofy, over-the-top ways. Sometimes, he even does dangerous things—like cut up a bus seat with a pocketknife or hang out of an attic window. To the adults in his life, Tyler seems like a troublemaker. But he knows that he’s not. Tyler is curious, creative, the best artist in his grade, and when he can focus, he gets great grades. For kids who don't want to cause trouble, but sometimes just feel they can’t control their behavior, this is a great book to read..

Category: ADHD/ADD
Subcategory: Pre-Teen/Teen
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: Tyler Page
Publication Date: 12-04-2022
ISBN: 9781250758330
Pages: 256

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