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Death is Stupid

Death is Stupid

$ 30.50

When someone we love dies, adults often say things like, "She's in a better place now," or "I know how you feel." You do not, one little boy thinks after his grandma passes away. Caught in the swirl of anger, confusion, and fear that accompanies grief and mourning, he doesn't just think death is unfair—he thinks death is stupid. It takes him some time, but when he starts sharing cherished memories of his grandma and working in her garden, he starts to feel just a little bit better. Necessary, beautiful, and ultimately reassuring, Death Is Stupid helps make death a little less scary—for kids and adults.

Category: Grief/Loss
Subcategory: Children/Parent
Author: Anastasia Higginbotham
Publication Date: 14-08-2020
ISBN: 9781948340397
Pages: 64

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