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Teaching Self-Compassion to Teens

Teaching Self-Compassion to Teens

$ 51.95

Lorraine Hobbs and Niina Tamura provide guided practices, creative exercises, and teaching strategies adapted from Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer’s widely disseminated Mindful Self-Compassion program for adults. Case examples, sample dialogues, and scripts illustrate how to set up and run successful groups that address teen concerns such as self-criticism, self-esteem, social comparison, and strong emotions. The book offers guidelines for cultivating a personal practice and working with parents. Tips for providing a safe, effective learning environment are woven throughout; a special chapter covers trauma-sensitive teaching.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Child and Youth
Author: Lorraine Hobbs
Publication Date: 15-04-2022
ISBN: 9781462549078
Pages: 238


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