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Weighted Pencil Dark Blue (Ark )

Weighted Pencil Dark Blue (Ark )

$ 39.95

Includes 1 eraser-less pencil and 1 dark blue weighted topper. Ark's Weighted Pencil is an effective way to add extra sensory input to the hand during handwriting tasks. Extra weight provides increased sensory input and proprioceptive feedback to the hand, which can help increase focus, normalize writing speed, increase hand strength and dexterity, and/or decrease the grip force. The pencil weights also double as a hand fidget. Twist the weights back and forth on the stem to keep the hands busy and the mind focused. Customize the weight to your liking/needs. Use all 3 at once for the heaviest weight, or remove all but 1 for a lighter-weight feel.

Category: Sensory Processing Therapy
Subcategory: Fine Motor
Series: Child and Youth

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