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Calling My Spirit Back

Calling My Spirit Back

$ 18.95

Indigenous Peoples have always carried the knowledge necessary to heal. When our people heal, our families heal, our communities heal and our land will heal. You cannot have one without the other. These stories are teachings, prophecy and protocols shared throughout the years by elders, language speakers, medicine people and helpers. They have been the foundation to individual healing and learning self-love. They teach us how to make good decisions for ourselves and for all other aspects in our lives. When our people were young, they were sent on the land to gather as much experience and knowledge as they could, and when they returned, they would contribute what they learned. I am Syilx and Secwepemc and although many of my teachings come from this place, they also intertwine with indigenous knowledge shared through ceremony from many other nations.

Category: Indigenous Resources
Author: Elaine Alec
Publication Date: 27-06-2020
ISBN: 9780228830696
Pages: 190


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