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 Overcoming Your Pathological Gambling: Workbook

Overcoming Your Pathological Gambling: Workbook

$ 44.50

If you feel as if you can no longer control your gambling, if your gambling has interfered with your family, social, or working life, this workbook can help you take back control. Though gambling has become increasingly prevalent in society, pathological gambling is a serious condition. Pathological gamblers find they are unable to participate in their social lives, have problems at work, and end up in financial trouble because they feel compelled to keep gambling. Much of this problem comes from incorrect beliefs about the nature of the game; people believe they can beat the system or learn to control the outcome of games of chance. In this treatment, you will learn not only how to avoid problem situations, but also the truth about gambling.

Category: Addictions
Subcategory: Alcohol/Substance Abuse
Series: Personal Growth/Self-Help
Author: Robert Ladouceur
ISBN: 9780195317015
Pages: 96


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