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Therapeutic Treasure Deck of Strengths and Self-Esteem Cards

Therapeutic Treasure Deck of Strengths and Self-Esteem Cards

$ 45.95

This 70-card deck offers creative ways to help individuals and groups develop self-esteem, strengths and resilience. Suitable for use with all ages - from children aged 6+ to adults - and for one-to-one, group or team settings, the cards provide an approachable way to explore wishes, hopes, dreams, identity, and strengths.

Category: Art and Play Therapy
Subcategory: Play Therapy - All Ages
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Karen Treisman | Richy K Chandler
Publication Date: 19-11-2021
ISBN: 9781787757851
Pages: 70
Length: 4.09 in
Width: 5.98 in

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