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Trauma and Attachment: Over 150 Attachment-Based Interventions to Heal Trauma

Trauma and Attachment: Over 150 Attachment-Based Interventions to Heal Trauma

$ 50.95

In this comprehensive yet accessible book, Dr. Reese provides an attachment framework for treating clients who have experienced a multitude of traumas, ranging from abuse and neglect to medical traumas, natural disasters, and exposure to violence. Through a variety of worksheets, exercises, and activities, this book provides clients with the tools they need to develop a foundation for healing so they can find feelings of safety and security within relationships again. Inside, clinicians will find tools to help clients heal from the impact of:
Abuse by helping them establish safety and security within relationships; Neglect by teaching them to find their voice and express their needs; Medical trauma by helping them adjust to a new normal and better tolerate uncertainty; Natural disasters by using mindful grounding techniques to navigate sensory triggers and cultivate mind-body awareness and witnessing violence by restoring clients’ sense of felt safety and helping clients identify what they can control to keep themselves safe.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Christina Reese
Publication Date: 20-08-2021
ISBN: 9781683733911
Pages: 316

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