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Social Anxiety Relief for Teens:

Social Anxiety Relief for Teens:

$ 25.95

A Step-by-Step CBT Guide to Feel Confident and Comfortable in Any Situation If you're one of millions of teens suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD), you know how it feels to miss out on life because you're avoiding people or situations that you feel like you just can't deal with. This book offers a simple, five-step cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program to help you stop your fears and worries from getting the best of you. You'll learn to recognize your triggers and identify the unhelpful behaviors you use to try to cope with or avoid them now. Then you'll discover ways to slowly and gently challenge yourself to face anxiety-inducing situations, until you gradually increase your comfort levels. Finally, you'll develop the skills you need to build on your progress and work toward mastering your anxiety.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Pre-Teen/Teen
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: Bridget Flynn Walker
Publication Date: 01-10-2021
ISBN: 9781684037056
Pages: 192


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