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Jumbo Colored Pencils 3-in-1 Scribble Splatter

Jumbo Colored Pencils 3-in-1 Scribble Splatter

$ 24.95

These 3-in-1 Jumbo Pencils work like a wax crayon being able to color a large area, and create a watercolor effect by simply using a wet brush so your child can blend colors in their drawing for creative results. Use it to draw and paint! Ideal for young children and elderly people, our watercolor pencils are easy to hold. Twelve different colors give kids the chance to get creative. Includes a small sheet of scribble stickers, a sharpener, and a paintbrush. These are easy to erase from painted walls and smooth surfaces. Ages 3+

Category: Art and Play Therapy
Subcategory: Art Therapy
Author: Diane Alber

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