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Connections Over Compliance Rewiring our Perceptions of Discipline <b><font color='red'>(Event Special)</font></b>

Connections Over Compliance Rewiring our Perceptions of Discipline (Event Special)

$ 34.95

The developing brains of our children need to “feel” safe. Children who carry chronic behavioral challenges are often met with reactive and punitive practices that can potentially reactivate the developing stress response systems.This book deeply addresses the need for co-regulatory and relational touch point practices, shifting student-focused behavior management protocols to adult regulated brain and body states which are brain aligned, preventive, and relational discipline protocols. This new lens for discipline benefits all students by reaching for sustainable behavioral changes through brain state awareness rather than compliance and obedience.

Category: Education/Classroom
Author: Lori Desautels
Publication Date: 01-01-2021
ISBN: 9781948148890
Pages: 282

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