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Empathy Game

Empathy Game

$ 37.99

Do you want to go beyond small talk with colleagues, friends, family, or strangers? This is your game to truly connect with people. Imagine a red car, I'll do the same. Now describe it to me. No red car would ever be the same. No thought, or story ever is. We listen. We might smile. We nod. But, do we really understand each other? The human mind predicts and assumes to make sense of the world, and to understand people. There's often more to discover than we assume to know. The Empathy Game connects the dots. It engages people to share, listen, and engage with stories beyond their own frame of reference. There's more to discover and learn. Let's play.
150 cards

Category: Communication Skills
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Saskia Herrmann
Publication Date: 10-09-2019
ISBN: 9789063695248
Pages: 150

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