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Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect

Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect

$ 43.50

Grounded in 40 years of clinical practice and research, this book provides a systematic yet flexible evidence-informed framework for treating adult survivors of complex trauma, particularly those exposed to chronic emotional abuse or neglect. Component-based psychotherapy (CBP) addresses four primary treatment components that can be tailored to each client's unique needs--relationship, regulation, dissociative parts, and narrative. Vivid extended case examples illustrate CBP intervention strategies and bring to life both the client's and therapist's internal experiences. The appendix features a reproducible multipage clinician self-assessment tool that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Personal Growth/Self-Help
Author: Elizabeth K. Hopper, Francis K. Grossman
Publication Date: 09-08-2021
ISBN: 9781462548507
Pages: 296


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