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Spectrum Women: Autism and Parenting

Spectrum Women: Autism and Parenting

$ 24.95

This book looks at what it feels like to be an autistic parent, offering valuable insights, knowledge and wisdom on parenting autistic and non-autistic children. Three mothers reflect on their experiences of growing up as undiagnosed autistics, venturing into and embracing motherhood, and connecting with their children in a unique and powerful way. They offer advice on overcoming the challenges of parenting when you are autistic, such as socializing with other parents or sensory issues that come with excessive touch. Reflecting on their own experiences, they also emphasize the positives of being an autistic parent to an autistic child, such as understanding of why their child is struggling or the open-mindedness that can come from not being constrained by societal norms. They also explain how out-of-the-box thinking leads to creative parenting of non-autistic children, forming strong and loving bonds.

Category: Parenting
Subcategory: All Ages
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
Author: R. Jurkevythz, M. Campbell, L. Morgan
Publication Date: 21-08-2020
ISBN: 9781787752948
Pages: 208

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