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Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (And Their Parents)

Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (And Their Parents)

$ 29.95

This positive, straightforward reference book offers kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) a comprehensive resource for understanding their condition and finding tools to cope with everyday challenges. Updated content reflects changes in the understanding of ASD. The book also features new stories of young people with autism and an added chapter, "Tech Talk." Meant to be read with a parent, the book addresses questions and provides strategies for communicating, staying safe and smart online, making and keeping friends, and succeeding in school. Body and brain basics highlight symptom management, exercise, diet, hygiene, relaxation, sleep, and toileting. Emphasis is placed on helping kids handle intense emotions and behaviors and get support from family and their team of helpers when needed.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Children
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
Author: Elizabeth Verdick / Elizabeth Reeve
Publication Date: 15-06-2021
ISBN: 9781631985997
Pages: 248
Weight: 1.19 lb
Length: 8.82 in
Width: 7.06 in

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