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Nerve: A Personal Journey Through the Science of Fear

Nerve: A Personal Journey Through the Science of Fear

$ 22.00

In 2015, Eva Holland was forced to confront her greatest fear when her mother had a stroke and suddenly passed away. After the shock and grief subsided, Holland began to examine the extent to which her many fears had limited her, and wondered whether or not it was possible to move past them. This sent Holland on a deep dive into the science of fear, digging into an array of universal and personal questions. Nerve answers these questions in a refreshingly accessible way, offering readers an often personal, sometimes funny, and always rigorously researched journey through the science of facing our fears.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Adult
Author: Eva Holland
Publication Date: 06-04-2021
ISBN: 9780735237353
Pages: 288
Weight: 0.54 lb
Length: 7.97 in
Width: 5.2 in

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