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Help Your Dragon Cope with Trauma

Help Your Dragon Cope with Trauma

$ 21.95

Having a pet dragon is so much fun! But what if your dragon experienced a traumatic event? What if he’s constantly having bad dreams about the terrible thing he experienced? What if he wasn’t able to rest well, and telling you his tummy hurts? You can help him talk about and understand the experience. You can give him practical advice and activities to overcome his fear. You can help him understand his feelings and you can teach him that life goes on, and most of it is good, and so much, much more. Fun, cute, and entertaining with beautiful illustrations without being scary and specific about traumatic events, this is a must have book for children, parents and teachers to teach kids to understand and overcome traumatic events that they might experience.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Pre-Teen/Teen
Author: Steve Herman
Publication Date: 05-12-2019
ISBN: 9781950280223
Pages: 44
Weight: 0.3 lb
Length: 10 in
Width: 8 in

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