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Polyvagal Flip Chart  <b><font color='red'>(Top 10 Bestsellers)</font></b>

Polyvagal Flip Chart (Top 10 Bestsellers)

$ 47.00

Understanding the Science of Safety When clients are stuck in the cognitive experience of their story, an explanation of polyvagal theory helps to bring their attention to the autonomic experience— to bring the importance of the biology of their experience back into awareness. Yet polyvagal theory can be challenging and intimidating to explain. This flip chart offers therapists an easy, standardized way to support clients in understanding the role of the autonomic nervous system in their lives. Using a flip chart makes psycho- education an interactive experience. Therapists can feel confident in teaching their clients polyvagal theory by following the chart. With a flip chart visible during sessions, the therapist can; remind clients of the ways the autonomic nervous system has been shaped and is active in their daily living experience,display a page corresponding to the present moment, thus anchoring that experience in the theory, keep a page of the hierarchy visible when working with a client's habitual response pattern.

Category: Brain Science
Subcategory: Adult
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Deb Dana
Publication Date: 01-10-2021
ISBN: 9780393714722
Pages: 20
Height: 13 in
Width: 9 in

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