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Pass Kit Re+minder Cards

Pass Kit Re+minder Cards

$ 7.95

Panic Anxiety+Stress Support) Pass Re-Minder Cards The front of each card features short "tweet length" advice for easy reading in times of need, which remind you to do simple tasks to check in with your stress levels and offer suggestions on how to feel better quick. The cards' backs offer more details about the science and theories behind each suggestion and includes supporting materials to the tips. Effective and educational, RE+Minder Cards have been reviewed by psychologists and used by professionals and individuals across Canada. (Package contains 25 tip cards + 2 cover cards with an extra side to customize a message to yourself.) All cards are fastened by a 1" plastic ring*. Hotlines are Canada-specific.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Series: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Pages: 27 cards

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