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Raising an Organized Child

Raising an Organized Child

$ 22.95

Organized children are raised, not born. That’s the philosophy behind this confidence-building, sanity-saving book. Fostering organized thinking in your child will help with concrete concerns (think a tidier bedroom!) and build critical life skills like learning to plan and grasping the big picture. Dr. Korb’s 5 Steps to Raising an Organized Child apply to all ages. So, whether you have an infant or a teenager, it’s never too late (or too early!) to foster organization in him or her and harmony in your whole family.

Category: Executive Function
Series: Child and Youth
Author: Korb, Damon
Publication Date: 01-06-2019
ISBN: 9781610022828
Pages: 236
Length: 7.5
Width: 5.5


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