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Grabber Textured P Tube Hollow XT Bright Blue (Ark )

Grabber Textured P Tube Hollow XT Bright Blue (Ark )

$ 15.95

This grabber's tube-like stem is perfect for individuals who want their chew tool to "collapse" more. As an oral motor tool, use it to practice biting/chewing skills, build jaw strength and stability, and exercise the mouth muscles. Put puréed foods inside the tube for functional biting/chewing practice. Bumps and nubs provide extra sensory input. This is great for individuals with very limited jaw strength. Bright Blue is Xtra Tough, Ark's middle level - firmer, but still fairly chewy, recommended for moderate chewers.
Important note: because it is hollow, the extension will feel much softer than other Ark chews in the same level. These are not recommended as a long lasting option for avid/aggressive chewers.

Category: Sensory Processing Therapy
Subcategory: Oral Motor

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