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Fred Stays With Me! (Divorce) (Ages 4-8)

Fred Stays With Me! (Divorce) (Ages 4-8)

$ 12.99

Told from the point of view of a young child whose parents are divorced, this book follows a girl and her dog, Fred, from one parent's house to the other's, giving her a sense of continuity and stability. With a simple text and childlike language, the story expresses and addresses a child's concerns, highlights the friendship between child and pet, presents a common ground for the parents, and resolves conflict in a positive way. Tricia Tusa's charming and whimsical artwork adds a light, happy feel to this poignant - but not overly sentimental - story.

Category: Relationships
Subcategory: Divorce/Blended Families
Series: Grief/Loss
Author: Nancy Coffelt
ISBN: 9780316077910
Pages: 32

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