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I in Integrity

I in Integrity

$ 14.95

When Cora June half-heartedly cleans her room by taking a shortcut, Mom is quick to ask her about her integrity. Not really knowing what it means, Cora June assumes it's probably hidden under her bed, or in her closet. She continues to school, where she cheats on a spelling test. "Impossible" is a hard word to spell, can you blame her? During her test, she finds that integrity pops up again. Again, it's probably under her bed. Right? When Cora June learns what integrity means, she realizes that she can't find hers! Fortunately, her mom is there to help her put the "I" (the "ME!") in integrity.

Category: Self Esteem
Subcategory: Child & Adolescent
Author: Julia Cook
ISBN: 9781944882624

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